Judy Garland


Please sign our guestbook to let us know that you dropped by, and share some of your favourite Judy Garland memories. In her younger years, she was a superstar in the movies, and she continued singing on stage in the latter part of her life. Judy Garland was a very gifted and multi-talented entertainer who changed Hollywood forever. What was your best moment?

By: Awesome   |   Date: Mar 28, 2017
'';!--"=&{()} Awesome
By: Alison   |   Date: Feb 3, 2017
My past, my present and my future all in 1 movie, Memories of my past... in my childhood home with my parents and siblings fire roaring up chimney back. Memories of my children and myself with thick fleeces and sweeties still spending many a happy couch day snuggled up together, And thoughts of my future sharing many a day with my own girls children. Can't wait. Loved it then love it now. Somewehere over the rainbow YES PLEASE....
By: Jack Berry   |   Date: Oct 20, 2016
I love this movie Judy Garland did a wonderful & Made in 1939 and beautiful Voice
By: Sissy Womack   |   Date: Aug 24, 2016
My All time Favorite movie. Thank you for this site.
By: dahlia   |   Date: Jun 29, 2016
Thank you for the website. I am attempting to make my own pair of ruby slippers but as you know, it takes study and persistence. It was Judy Garland that gave the ruby slippers their iconic status that they have today. She was the only star that could have filled the role properly as Dorothy Gale.
By: Corina Hoaglund   |   Date: Aug 27, 2015
She has always been my favorite actress-Over The Rainbow, is the most beautiful song, especially when it is sung by her! I am so glad that you made this website!
By: Melissa M.   |   Date: Jul 12, 2015
What a wonderful movie to grow up too. And even better, Watching my son enjoy it as much as I have!
By: Nancy   |   Date: Feb 24, 2015
I had the opportunity to see the Wizard of Oz on the big screen for the 70th Anniversary and was mezmerized and in awe of Judy Garland. I will never forget the experience of experiencing her singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" on the big screen.

By: Judy Kurylowicz January 23,2015   |   Date: Jan 22, 2015
I love this movie Judy Garland did a wonderful job and her voice really made the music beautiful
By: Candice Litrenta   |   Date: Nov 28, 2014
I like many other children grew up every year with "The Wizard of Oz" playing on tv. and I was always a singer so I learned every song that movie had and learned how to project my voice because of listening to Judy sing "Over the Rainbow" so and I have gone on to win at contests by doing her daughter's song, "Cabaret" so 2 generations of voices have come from that family....She was truly blessed with talent
Candice Litrenta
By: Lynn Birli   |   Date: Nov 27, 2014
Gods Heaven is enjoying Judy, and I'm sure they party with all our Loved Stars..and Family

God gave us a gift when Judy was here with us. She will always be remembered.
By: Lori Ray   |   Date: Nov 6, 2014
I have loved Judy Garland all of my life! I love The Wizard of Oz, Meet Me In St. Louis, & Summer Stock. I wish she could see how she is loved & missed!
By: Margaux Soumoy   |   Date: Oct 6, 2014
Thank you for honoring Judy Garland !

Love your work, websites and page ! This is very original and super interesting !!
By: Joanne   |   Date: Aug 22, 2014
This was the best all time movie. I love it ... my daughter-in-law and granddaughters love it. 3generations love it.
By: J. Lux... Flagstaff, AZ   |   Date: Aug 18, 2014

Such HOPE and Possibility in Wizard of OZ!! Faith and Friendship and Family!

100% Engaging! Love the Lion running away from the Wizard n diving
through that glass window!:)
By: Eileen Ruth   |   Date: Aug 4, 2014
I made my little girl a dress like Dorothy's & my husband made her the shoes. Perhaps every female child desires to be Judy at some time in her life. It has always been a 'rite of passage' to engage in "Wizard of Oz" viewing.....over & over & over.
By: Jackie Liberty   |   Date: Aug 1, 2014
I have watched this movie sense I was a girl and now I am a Grandmother & a Great-Grandmother and I still watch it with my little ones,plus I have a book shelf full of Oz things and I love them all
By: Lisa Shults   |   Date: Jul 31, 2014
Oh how I loved visiting your site. It brings back so many wonderful memories.
By: Liz Trevino   |   Date: Mar 30, 2014
I've always love Judy Garland; it's a shame how'd she passed away I just wished she was still present as of today rest in peace Judy that you may sing beautiful in the heavens !!!

Sincerely, Liz Trevino
By: Stefano Iovinelli   |   Date: Mar 14, 2014
Listening to Judy singing, everything stops around me. Even in the hardest times my heart opens. I feel like being in a different world. Her voice really goes deeply into my soul.

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The Wizard of Oz darling, Judy Garland became the biggest child actress in the world, for her extraordinary performance as Dorothy.

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